Thursday, April 5, 2007

It feels like the first time!!!

So, I'm probably really writing this for me. I doubt anyone other than family/good friends really care what I'm up to. Heck they might not even care. But I choose to think of the positive, so of course they care!
The real point of this blog is to discuss what is going on in my life. To start with, I will be graduating from Texas A&M in May. WHOOP! I'm very excited. VERY excited. And then I'll be attending medical school at UT Houston. Also something I'm very excited about, though this time it is a nervous excitement. All of a sudden it hit me. I'm going to move to a BIG CITY. VERY big city. I'm not from big city, I'm from what most people would call the suburbs. I decided to call this blog Sarah goes to Deutschland, because I feel like my whole medical school experience will be a lot like my study abroad trip. It will be overwhelming, scary at time, but in the end will be one of the best experiences of my life. Also, I kind of think being thrown into medical school is like being thrown into a foreign country. You know, you don't know the language, the customs, all that jazz. Also, it is about as clever as I could muster. So there. Its all out. Me. I'm an open book. Whoop for that.

What I'm really up to right now: Desperately wanting my earache to go away. I broke down and went to the quack shack today, got my Z-pack, and now I'm just waiting it to feel all better. Plus I already went through one box of kleenexes, I don't want to go back to the store for another.

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